Ergonomic Salmon Processing Deck

  • Mike has worked with Mark's Technical Services (Juneau, AK) for several years to custom design deck equipment to hand-process and freeze King and Coho Salmon at sea--the key components of an artisan fishery. Deck layout has been improved for salmon processing flow and ergonomics with a salmon heading machine, tables, cleaning stations, and auto pressure-bleeding trays.

  • The salmon heading machine has a custom blade with a hand-pull lever action that saves pressure on the wrists.

  • View looking aft at the heading machine in action. Mike (right) is pulling down on the cutting blade handle while Joe (left) is gutting fish in the cleaning tray. Fish ready to be loaded on the freezer plates are on the left front.
  • Pressure bleeding trays and regulators (see below) were installed in 2018 to allow for processing of multiple fish on both the starboard and port sides. The gurdies have been relocated from the deck on to the sides of the hay rack for ease of operation and to open up space for better fish processing work flow.